Friday, September 28, 2007

Overheard At The Clan House

Remember, YT stands for Yours Truly (that'd be me), and WP stands for Wifey-Poo (that'd be The Most Wonderful Woman In The Entire World).

YT: Honey?!

WP: Yes dear.

YT: Do you mind if I slice and pickle these last two carrots?

WP: Of course not. Go right ahead.

YT: Great! Thanks, hon!
YT: Honey!

WP: Yes dear?

YT: I'm out of my olive pickling brine!

WP: I set it on the table to clear space in the fridge.

YT: Thanks, hon!
YT: Honey?!

WP: Yes dear?

YT: This is the Kalamata brine! I need the clear brine!

WP: You're out.

YT: Are you sure?!

WP: Yes dear.

YT: *damn*
YT: Honey!

WP: Yes dear.

YT: Do you mind if I add chilli pepper flakes to the brine?

WP: Not at all, go right ahead.

YT: Thanks, hon!
YT: Honey?!

WP: Yes dear.

YT: Have I mentioned how much I love you?

WP: Yes, I do believe you have.

YT: Cool! Just making sure.

This is completely, 100%, honest-to-god, factual. What a great life, eh? :)

Coming up: the duck saga. I was going to call it The Tale Of Two Ducks, but then more have shown up. There's now the Evil Duck, her blond boyfriend, the two newly-weds, and the newbie that's a different species. Stay Tuned!

Also coming up: the story of how the clan almost DIED in a creek 35 years ago (gripping stuff).

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