No, that doesn't mean the trip sucked. In fact, it was AWESOME! We found quite a few places down on the Fleurieu we didn't know existed, and saw some we knew existed butt hadn't been to yet.
Here's a teaser pic of Around The Fleurieu (ATF) --multipart blog post series thingy coming soon to a blog near yew.
Please click on it to see it full size, you'll love it! The pic is a closeup of the sunset over Gulf St. Vincent as seen from Normanville, South Oz. The only thing I did to the pic was to resize it (that means shrink it down a ways). Absolutely ZERO computer enhancements were done.
Yes, it was Yours Truly (don't swoon ladies, I'm human) who tooked this photo. The camera helped a wee bit of course.

And for those of you who'd prefer the flickr pic...

If you can't see all of the flickr pic, just click on it and it'll take you to it's flickr page where you can view it at any size you'd like, no worries.
Much more soon so stay tuned campers!
Nice colour range!
That's a sunset I'd walk right into. No questions asked. Terrific shot, Dave.
Can't wait to see more!
AKDave lovely pic!
Are those your birds? Beauty's they are!
Can't wait to see & hear about the rest of your trip!
TwoYaks: Thanks. I'm pretty impressed with the new camera.
Ti: Glad you like it, now I just need to add a few dragons...
CW: Oi! G'day mate. Welcome to my little corner of the blogosphere. Nope, not my birds, just pictures I have taken of the birds around here.
Beautiful shot, Dingo!
How's fall shaping up down unda? Spring has sprung in the Great White North.
Blazingly beautious photo! We need that shit HERE. 2 inches of snow and more comming is accumulating on my deck......
Ti: Pong!
You gonna take up writing again, mate, or do I hafta come down unda and open a can of whoop-ass?
Yer missed. Mister.
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