It's not often I rant and rave about something on this here blog. In fact, I'm not sure I ever have... Perhaps someone who's familiar with my archives could check?
Can you guess that this post will be me ranting and raving about something? Well? CAN YOU? Obviously you can cus I've gots me some smart readers, eh? This post will be about food and about oil.
OT; don't worry, there'll be bird pics at the end of this.
I'm sure everyone is aware of the global food crisis that's going on. Is it because there's not enough? Well... not really... YET... Yes there are some regions where there is an actual food shortage, but most regions and countries with food crisises have more to do with the fact that food staples are sky-rocketing in price.
Why are basic foods getting really expensive? A lot has to do with high oil prices which in turn sends shockwaves throughout every food distribution network worldwide, countrywide, statewide, citywide, etc (anyone who's been in any facet of the transportation business will verify this). It's also estimated that about 25% of the high price problem has to do with biofuels. There's plenty of sites out there where you can verify all this, BTW. Commodity speculation also accounts for a slice of it. Developing countries wanting (demanding) a US lifestyle when there are ten times as many of them as there are US'ns has a heckuva lot to do with it too. Corporate induced supply shortages are also said to be blamed.
So, it's a variety of factors. Add em all up and you've got really high food prices.
What does this mean to you? Well, if you're a blogger that means you won't starve, but you'll be paying a lot more for food. But don't worry, YOU can afford it.
If you don't have internet and broadband access, then that probably means you don't have much spare money, or time. Everything you do is just to make ends meet. If you live in a "first world" country you won't starve, but you'll definitely not be eating out very often and you might have to learn how to cook. But if you are in a second or third world country and 75% of your family budget is for food which you prepare yourself... well, let's just say that hard times are ahead.
BTW, I've always told the household not to make us rich cus I'll give it all away. I'd really like to sponsor a soup kitchen or something like that down here and I give loads to various charities. Oh yeah, rich celebrities making headlines by doing miniscule work for the poor and the beaten down make me want to puke; hope you feel good about yourselves while hanging out in your mansions!
So is this going anywhere and what about the oil?
Yes, it's going somewhere and here's about the oil. Now, I could easily rant and rave about the SUV's and gasguzzling habits (and cars) of many drivers. I could also offer tips on saving energy and walking or biking to places. Public transport, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah. But I'm not going to. Why not? Cus you've heard it all before and if you aren't already fairly energy conscious by now then I'm sure as heck not gonna change your mind.
But what about the price of oil... Obviously everyone is aware of oil company profits so there's no need to beat that dead horse. And we also know that various kings and royal families in the Middle East are getting richer. But does it really sink in just how rich they are getting? Does the extra 500 billion dollars a year one monarch is getting really mean anything? How can you relate to numbers like that? Well, here's how...
3 weeks ago the local paper ran a story about a chef who has just returned to Adelaide. He was the Head Chef for the King of Bahrain Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa Abdullah for 3 and a half years. The chef had servants attending his every need, drove a porsche, and lived in a fine home. All provided for him. Cool so far, no worries, perks of the job. He oversaw a kitchen staff of 550 people. Yes, that's a kitchen staff of 550 people for the King's Palace. Now, the King would host various foreign dignitaries and diplomats (all probably kissing his ass so he keeps the oil flowing, ahem) so I can understand having extravagant functions and feasts. Again, no worries... but some grumbling.
The chef would travel with the King on his private jet with hundreds if not thousands of bodyguards (hmmmmm, do you think the peasants might not like him?????). He made sure the King had every gastronomical experience he could desire. Ok, no worries, that's his job... right?
Here's the kicker: This is a quote directly from the article!
"We would prepare up to 14 tonnes of food for a guest list of maybe 10 people. The fact that most of it was going in the bin wasn't a consideration."WHOA!!!! Read that again! Go on, scroll up and read that quote again!
Firstly, "bin" is aussie for TRASH BIN. As in thrown away. Recycle? What's that?
Nextly, a tonne is a metric ton which is 1000 kilos, or 2,205 pounds. That's 30,870 pounds of food that was delivered and prepared for a feast to feed 10 people.
Folks, this is seriously WRONG!!!! Do I need to explain how WRONG this is? No, I didn't think so.
Don't believe me? Well, read the whole story
Just think about this next time you fill your SUV.
And now to get back to the regularly scheduled programme of bird pics:
Even cockatoos like to watch the sunrise
"Ahhhhh, pretty... Now gimme some sunflower seeds before I rip your thumbs off!"For you dirty minded folk:
"Ahhhhhhhhh... faster baby, faster."
"Ok, that's fast enough."Notice how I got the horizon line to be perfectly angled at 8 degrees off true? Pretty difficult.